2 Samuel 18:24
While David was sitting between the inner and outer gates, the watchman went up to the roof of the gateway by the wall. As he looked out, he saw a man running alone.
Welcome to Tighurt Running -- a running club with only one member!
My name is R. Andrew Strickland. I am a recreational runner who LOVES running races -- although I only win the occasional age group award.
The name Tighurt is derived from the words I used to say always before going out running: This Is Gonna HURT
The phrase was never meant as a complaint -- merely a mantra to keep me amused before I went out and tested my physical and mental endurance!
The TIGHURT RUNNING site will list information of interest to my friends (which races I have survived recently without being admitted to a hospital) as well as to runners in whatever area in which I'm currently living (upcoming races that I intend to run, schedules, and assorted running links.)
* I am a career theatre director, so my current location can change rather quickly. No matter where I am, I run races over a fairly large area.